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New triple thick Business Card Graphic Design |

Alright, so, if you're reading this and you have one of these triple thick, black middle layered cards in you're hand, what do you think of the design? Hoping you found my site alright, go watch some films!

For all the rest, yes, I have brand new re-designed business cards. I created the front design as a banner I used a while back, and loved the simplicity of it so much I decided to incorporate a similar design and font face to the back of the new cards for the information layouts. I also decided to add a photograph of myself I took with the Tower Bridge here in London later last year during my yearly birthday portrait. I always like to share a photo, be it on a resume, my about section and yes, business card! In a world where everything is moving so fast, I find its helped many times to have a face to the name. With all that nice card stock, would be a shame if they forgot the person who gave it to them :). I also opted for a card stock which is a tad wider than most in the UK, and a bit shorter. This in turn actually results in the card being nearly exactly the ratio of 16:9 which is a TV, web and sometimes, cinema standard. (Yes, a bit of film geek wisdom for you)

Anyhow, I'm excited to share them with all my clients and friends. 2017, it's going to be a good one.




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