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Website redesign for MOBILE now live! | Updates

The website has now been redesigned for MOBILE! Using the three striped menu in the top right navigate through the site using the down arrows (within menu) to cycle through each menu category. I had so many users coming to the site on mobile it needed an overhaul. The entire site down to each page has been re-designed, re-sized and now features images which stretch seamlessly to the very edge of the display for a clean look. Font has also been given new sizing to blend with the images in a more pleasing way.

Besides this, most videos embed on a smart phone beautifully with Vimeo 1080 in landscape mode.

This update is a very welcome addition to the growth of this portfolio site, and Im proud of how it looks now on mobile, as well as pc browsers.


Here are some screenshots of the new UI on mobile.

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