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Beautiful British Columbian Intimate and Cinematic Wedding | Short Film

I wanted to share a beautiful intimate wedding I filmed, edited and colored for a good friend of mine, Raymond and his new wife Samantha! The film was shot in British Columbia, Canada and I decided to take a different route from the typical overkill production style and make it more personal. I filmed the event on one camera, one lens and mostly with a small handheld rig. It allowed to me to change postion, angle and get close. I was able to have such creative freedom while being a ghost floating through the memories, and in my opinion- thats the only way to really document something like this.

Raymond messaged me after him and his wife Samantha viewed the edit (As there was a one year delay to have the edit commissioned for budgetary reasons) and told me they both watched it and cried. I could not of heard a better response. I wanted the first viewing to be intimate and for them.

"Wow buddy, truly amazing.. both of us were in years. You nailed it, amazing as always Will.."

I have filmed weddings professionally for over 4 years including around 40 weddings from multiple ethnicities but I enjoyed this one because I could simply take hold of all aspects myself and create something in a style I feel can work for this sort of moment. Enjoy the film and cinema screenshots- your pal, Will!

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